One of the Abella Climb Association’s founding aims is to raise the profile of the area, its wildlife and support local people, projects and patrimony.  For us local relationships and partnerships are crucial – as in nature all things are interconnected – and forging links is integral to our approach.

In part this aim is achieved through bringing new people to the area, through our website and facebook pages and through the promotional work we undertake in other parts of Catalunya and other parts of the world.

In practice it also means making connections with local projects, supporting local events such as the annual honey festival, hosting our own events and festivals, sponsoring local artists and helping to maintain the village and its historical buildings and architecture.

In the following pages you can find out more about the different aspects of this part of the project and learn more about the place and why we feel so passionate about it.

II century St Esteve church

Amazing Wildlife

Rehabilitating the Old Roman road into Isona

Helping local Artists